Kistune Face-Off

This spread is designed to explore the dynamics of a two-party situation by interpreting pairs of interacting elemental forces, with the Kitsune (represented by The Magician) at the center, guiding the querent's understanding of what each side brings to the table.

Initial Setup:
Begin by drawing four cards from the pile of pips, two at a time, and positioning them in separate pairs, aligned in a straight line.

Placing The Magician:
Place The Magician card, which represents the Fox Spirit, at the center of the line, dividing the two pairs.

Interpreting the Pairs:
The reader interprets the elemental interaction and corresponding cycle for each pair, reading from left to right (outer to inner) within each group of two. This setup ensures that the Kitsune is flanked by two parallel cycles, rather than pairing an active and passive (receiving element) card. This arrangement maintains a parallel structure for interpretation.

Drawing on Methodologies:
When interpreting the interplay between pairs, the reader should consider:

  • Reference tables provided for elemental qualities, interactions, and associations.

  • Traditional playing card and Tarot methodologies:

    • Basic premises such as 1/10 (a lot/a little) and jumps between numbers as indicators of speed (e.g., 1-2 slow; 1-10 fast).

    • Reductive numerology (i.e. adding up the number value of each pair to generate a Major Arcana archetype theme as well as the total value of the spread).

    • The relative domains of the suits (e.g., love, money, work, war/official matters) to deepen the reading of a tableau.

Guiding the Querent:
For added insight, the orientation of The Magician—whether offensive or defensive—can guide the querent's approach to the conflict or query the Fox Spirit's perspective on the matter at hand. Key observations to consider include:

  • Which side does Kitsune face?

  • How does Kitsune's element (Earth) interact with the elements on either side? Is the combination in conflict or harmony with Kitsune?

  • Does Kitsune present a functional tool or material advice that further engages the energetic outcome of the draw?




Prediction #1